Maple Sap inc.

Minority Acceptance, Protection, Love + Equality
South Arkansas Pride

Creating an Inclusive Community in South Arkansas

We believe that support and inclusion for all minorities is a vital part of having a strong community. Maple Sap works to create safe places and events for the LGBTQ+ community, increase accessibility for those with disabilities, and work with other non-profits to help all minorities.

A group of four friends enjoy hanging out at a bar. ONe has a prosthetic leg and one is in a wheelchair.


One of our goals is to keep all of our events as accessible as possible for those with disabilities of all kinds. One way we can do this is using donations to get portable accessibility devices or pay for interpreters for things like concerts.

Food Table from the Community Friendsgiving Potluck of 2024.


Strengthening community is a vital part of Maple Sap. Volunteering time with events and other nonprofits, with local businesses, and more, is one way we do this! As we grow we aim to gather items to give to those in need such
as wheel chair ramps and accessibility aids!

A group signs a large Pride Flag at the first Pride Festival in South Arkansas. Photo by Kate Flynn


The LGBTQ+ community and all other minorities in South Arkansas deserve to be welcomed with open arms and like every one they deserve safe spaces to be seen and heard. We work to host events that allow just that!

Upcoming events.

South Arkansas Pride 2025

Every year Maple Sap inc. is devoted to hosting an annual Pride Festival in South Arkansas around September. The first year of this was 2024!!

Throughout the year the Maple Sap team will host and co-host different events and activities for the community of South Arkansas. We will also make appearances at various events, join hands with different local nonprofits, and collaborate with larger organizations from the ArkLaTex!! We hope to see you at one of these events!

Follow Our Facebook & SAP Event Page to Stay up to Date!